
Derneğimizin amacı; okul çağındaki çocukların ve gençlerin gençlerin kendini tanıyan, ülkenin ve dünyanın sorunlarının farkında olan, etik değerlere sahip birer dünya vatandaşı olmalarını; eğitimcilerin mesleki gelişmelerini; kendini geliştirmek isteyenlerin yaşam boyu öğrenmelerini destekleyecek ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde eğitim, kültür ve bilimsel çalışmalar yapmak; bu türde çalışmalara katılmaktır.

The mission of the Future is You Association is working with young people and youth non-governmental organizations to develop universal values such as equality, peace, democracy, social harmony, and innovation with young people and to enhance sustainable democratic universal society. In order to achieve this mission, we want to improve the 21st Century Skills of young people, such as entrepreneurship, leadership, problem-solving, and ICT Technologies by means of different activities and projects.

In general, our association aims to do researches, giving organizing training activities and workshops to enhance youth with 21st-century skills, to increase awareness and to prevent disadvantages about them in society. We organize activities which motivate young people to develop a democratic society and help them to integrate themselves into the modern world.

The Future is You Association, offering social and psychological support, collaborates with schools, youth organizations, universities, communities, and institution in the labor market when it is necessary